Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Find Your Tree Sistah!

New Ebook!

"Trees of the Goddess, Astrological Interpretations with Medicinal and Magical Properties."

Greetings Goddesses!

Check it out! New ebook called, "Trees of the Goddess, Astrological Interpretations with Medicinal and Magical Properties.

This book will get down to the nitty gritty and give you information on trees and their astrological, magical, and medicinal uses. Very practical, a must read for every Sister that works in the magical arts and is interested in working with wood, and making a wand for herself or someone else.

For those Sistars that work hard and do not have the time to reference trees and their properties, this is a one stop ebook for you. It provides all you need to know to work with wood, and create your staff.

A staff or wand can be home made. You do not need to be a wood carving expert. All you need is positive thought, sacred space, and time to create your own masterpiece!

I put together this ebook because I just think that it is so important for Sistars to make their own wand. Why? Because it will work better for you once you align it to your magical energies, in order to manifest what you desire. This new ebook will help you immensely discover your powers connecting with the Goddesses and her trees.
Only $10.00.

We are also including with your purchase a 2nd  ebook regarding a special SACRED  TREE  that Indeed connects to the Goddess and 
 the underworld.



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Looking for Employment?

It's a very tough job market out there. Millions of Sistah's search on the internet for employment.
A lot of times when we submit our resumes, there is no response. Well, realsistah3 does not have the miracle answer, but I do have a ebook I would like to share with you. Only $10.00 donation.
This ebook will help you to change your strategy and can aid you in finding the job that you desire.

Just simply email me at sistahgoddessa@gmail.com for more information.


Saturday, June 2, 2012


Peace Sistars,
Hope everyone is doing fine. If you would like to send any donations
for RealSistah3's cause, please email me at Sistahgoddessa@gmail.com so that I can send you a invoice request to pay.
This makes things so much easier for me and the work that I do.
As well, please do listen to my shows on Blogtalkradio for more information.

Special Offer!
 For each donation of $20.00 or more, RealSistah3 will send you a ebook of your choice on meditation, self improvement, or personal development to help aid you in your endeavors. Enjoy!

Blessings Sistars,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tiamat Mother Goddess of Creation

Reading the Tiamat myth is very interesting. Tiamat was indeed a warrior and fighter, but as being creator of the universe, she could have made some err decisions. She is a beautiful Goddess and is connected to the snake and the dragon. There are also in my opinion inconsistencies in this myth of Tiamat and Marduk, in that it  shows the conflict between men and women in a story of wars over land, power, and control. It is a serious battle of matriarchal and upcoming patriarchal forces, involving a family feud by the male gods determined take power, no matter what the sacrifice is.
:created by realsistah3:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lilith the Independant Goddess

Lilith is a Goddess in her own right, first wife of Adam, she refused to submit or be subjugated by him. She more than likely thought that it would be a dangerous trap. She strongly objected to Adams sexual agenda and decided to fly away from the relationship. Lilith approves herself by her own independance.
:created by realsistah3:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Queen of Heaven or Dark Goddess Queen?

Morrigan (also known as the Morrigu) was the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of War, Fate and Death. She also presided over rivers, lakes and fresh water, in addition to being the patroness of revenge, night, magic, prophecy, priestesses and dark goddesses.
:created by realsistah3:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Goddess Shift, the Number 13, and the Elm Tree.

Greetings all my Divine Goddesses!

The audio Goddess Shift, the number 13, and the Elm Tree is now is available to you for a donation of $25.00 to our worthy cause.

If you are interested in this product, please email me after you have made your donation, and let me know you want the audio for your collection, and I will gladly send it to you.

Our mission is to inspire, empower, and invoke the Divine Goddess in You, by teaching you who you are, how things truly came to be, and how to navigate in this patriarchal fraudulent system given the frustration, questioning, doubt, and confusion that we have to operate under or deal with.

Description: Synopsis
Goddess Shift, the number 13 and the Elm Tree.

This is a delightful, insightful clip where I give you valuable information regarding who you are. Lining up the Goddess in you, teaching yu your divine numerology and astrology, your Divine Myth in herstory; as well teaching yu how to gather different woods from trees, giving yu their properties and their Goddess connection, astrological, numerical values in order to use them in your spiritual work.
:created by realsistah3: